Hi, I’m Brea!

I started Foot Zoning in February of 2023 and Face Zoning in March of 2024. It all started because my sweet son, who was almost 4 at the time, had been sick for what felt like forever. For weeks upon weeks, it sounded like he was breathing through a coffee straw. Doctors kept telling us it was just respiratory virus after respiratory virus and he would get better eventually.

The mama bear in me was not satisfied with that answer.

I took to Instagram, where I asked my followers for their best home remedies. Several people sent me to Heidi McKay’s page (@heidi_mckay), where she had posted THAT DAY how to open the esophagus and lungs through the feet.

I gave it a shot and almost immediately, my son started breathing normally again.

We were all amazed!

I saw that Heidi had a course to learn the foot zone, but it wasn’t open for registration—which I was crushed about. HOWEVER, I did my first-ever vision board in January of 2023 and immediately added “Take Heidi’s course” to it. That night, I went home and opened Instagram. The first post was from Heidi saying that her course was open for registration.

I’m not one to second guess God, so I talked to my husband and we decided it was a good idea to register.

I sat in my first class, sweating bullets because I hated feet so badly (literally, I had never once touched my husband’s feet and we have been together since high school). As soon as I started my first zone, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to offer this to anyone who would sit in my chair.

And feet haven’t bothered me since!

I am so grateful for every client, experience, connection, and friendship I have made through zoning. I have witnessed so many miracles through it and seen, first-hand, how powerful and capable the body is of healing itself.

Thank you so much for being here and allowing me the opportunity to sit at your feet and help you in your healing journey!

If you are interested in becoming a foot zoner, click the link below!

“Brea is so gifted at foot zoning! She made me feel comfortable and she explained exactly what she was doing and what it meant. I felt so at ease during and after my zone. I 10/10 recommend this awesome service if you have an issue you are struggling with or even just need to feel some extra relaxation!”

-Tysen, Foot Zone Client